Can you guess!!! The Pope, Celine Dion, Barack Obama, and Bill Gates are on the same plane. There are only 3 parachutes left for the 4 of them.
Obama says: “As the President, I think I should have the right to have a parachute, because I rule millions of people in the greatest nation of all.”
Celine Dion says: “As one of the greatest singers of all-time, I think I should deserve to be safe. I bring tears and laughter to millions of people, and I’m an important contributor to pop music.”
Bill Gates says: “As one of the richest successful company owners, I think I should live because I’m on top of the economics cycle, creating jobs and incomes for millions of people. I am a wealthy and intelligent man.”
Finally, the Pope says: “I’m an old, religious man. I lived a life that’s full, I helped millions of people find their way through God, I’m ready to let go of a parachute and to face my fate.”
Which one of them will abandon the parachute and die?
~ Pic Credit - www.skyscrapercity.com
Nobody will die.It doesn't say anywhere that the flight is going to crash.