Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can you identify the device and the inventor?

1 comment:

  1. World's largest camera...Mammoth Camera..

    In 1900, George R. Lawrence built this mammoth 900 lb. camera, then the world’s largest, for $5,000 (enough to purchase a large house at that time!) It took 15 men to move and operate the gigantic camera.

    The photographer was commissioned by the Chicago & Alton Railway to make the largest photograph (the plate was 8 x 4.5 ft in size!) of its train for the company’s pamphlet "The Largest Photograph in the World of the Handsomest Train in the World."

    In this pic Lawrence stands beside the lens with a giant lens cap under this left arm and a watch in his right hand making the exposure The roller curtain operator stands at the rear and all attention is concentrated on the train. Division of Photographic History, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution.
