Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spot the difference Brain Game

Spot the difference Brain Game: An Unexpected Challenge - Read on for something interesting before attempting.....
Dr. Pas­cale Mich­e­lon shared which brain areas and cog­ni­tive func­tions are engaged as we solve the type of brain teaser known as Spot the Dif­fer­ence, where we have to find the dif­fer­ences between two ver­sions of one image.
Every time we do something several brain skills or cognitive abilities are involved. Each cognitive ability is supported by a network of brain cells (or neurons) working together in specific locations of the brain.
Let’s see what cognitive abilities and which brain areas are involved in the simple “ Spot the differences” exercise:
1- You have to identify the objects that you see: This involves your visual skills and thus your occipital lobes (back of the brain, at the bottom).
2- You have to analyze the spatial relationships between the objects that you see: This involves your visuospatial skills and thus your occipital lobes and parietal lobes (back of the brain, top part).
3- You have to remember what you see in one picture and compare it to what you see in the other picture: This involves your short-term memory and thus your frontal (front part of the brain) and parietal lobes.
4- You have to mark down the locations where you see a difference: This involves your motor skills, and thus mostly your frontal lobes.

Did you realize that so much was going on in your brain during this seemingly simple exercise? This is what makes it a good brain exercise: It stimulates several brain functions and thus several networks of neurons.

Now Ready...Set... Go...- How many dif­fer­ences can you spot, and which ones are they?
~Pic Credit - Wikipedia

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