Monday, January 28, 2013

2 Pills puzzle

Clarence has to take 2 different kind of pills (Pill A, Pill B). Both pills look exactly the same (same weight, color, shape, size, etc…. If he takes more than 1 pill of the same kind per day, he will die. Furthermore, if he doesn’t take 1 Pill A, and 1 Pill B every day, he will also die. Clarence is on a limited budget, and since the pills are extremely expensive, he can’t throw any of them away. One day, he got distracted and by mistake put 3 pills on the table. Since both pill types look identical, he’s not sure which pill is which. Question: How can he manage to take the pills without any further dire consequences and yet save the extra pill? Hint: you have the 2 jars of pills, with all the typical information a jar of pills gives you. ~ Pic Credit -

1 comment:

  1. Count the pills in each of the bottles to determine which bottle has one pill missing.Take a pill from that bottle and add to the 3 on the table.Split each pill on the table in half. Combine left sides of each pill into one pile. Combine right sides of each pill into a separate pile. This would give him two full piles of each so he can take one pile now and the second pile the next day.

    Another option would be to , take a pill out of the bottle that has one more and put it together with the three others and grind them down to a fine powder.Mix well and divide exactly into 2. You can then take one portion each day for the two days.
